Spidertracks Customer Spotlight: Kallax Flyg, Sweden

December 18, 2018

Based out of Sweden, commercial operator Kallax Flyg wears many hats — one of which, reindeer mustering, might just be the leading contender for ‘most unique use of Spidertracks.’ In addition to herding our festive friends, Kallax Flyg also engages in a number of other aerial efforts including transporting tourists across the gorgeous vistas of Scandinavia, performing routine load-slinging operations, and inspecting power lines.

They use Spidertracks to keep track of their large helicopter fleet and to increase overall operational safety and efficiency. Read what Kallax Flyg’s Mattias Pettersson — who oversees helicopter maintenance — has to say about our system.

Tell us a bit about your organisation. What does it do? How long has it been in operation?
KallaxFlyg is a large civil helicopter company in Sweden that began in 1998 and has grown and expanded since then.

We perform all kinds of operations — everything from slinging loads to providing tourists with transportation into the Swedish mountain wilderness during summertime so they can have access to excellent fishing spots. From time to time, we also use our fleet for things such as supporting Arctic boat expeditions, performing powerline inspections for electrical companies, and providing aerial support for reindeer herding.

How did you become aware of Spidertracks, and when did you begin using us? What was involved in your decision to become a Spidertracks customer?
We first learned of Spidertracks when our company visited a heli expo. Our decision to adopt the system was based on the simplicity of installation and the user-friendly web and app interfaces.

What Spidertracks features and functionalities are the most important for your organisation, and why?
Being able to see where our helicopters are in real-time gives us far more control over our operations, which is an important safety factor for our pilots, customers, and company.

Additionally, the fact that Spidertracks allows our pilots to send texts from their phones even when they’re flying outside cell coverage in remote locations provides peace of mind and adds a great deal of value for us.

What would you say are the biggest strengths of the Spidertracks system?
Definitely the app. It gives every single connected user in our company the ability to know where our helicopters are and how far away they are from their destinations.

What key issues for your business has Spidertracks helped with?
Besides improving our overall safety, I think the biggest benefit has been for our booking staff. Operations and locations change very fast during our high season (summer), and Spidertracks helps us to be more efficient.

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